3 Bedrooms | Family Room | 3.1 Bathrooms



Featured Residence

4,044 sqft

14’ Ceilings

Gas Fireplace

Wine Refrigerator

*All floorplans shown are for illustrative purposes only. Floorplans may not depict final design of units as constructed and may not be drawn to scale. All sketches, renderings, materials, plans, specifications, terms, prices, conditions and statements, including estimated time frames and dates, contained herein are proposed only, and developer reserves the right to make modifications in its sole discretion and without prior notice. All photographs and renderings are merely intended as illustrations of the activities and concepts depicted therein as interpreted by the artists. Developer makes no representations regarding any view and/or exposure to light at any time including any existing or future construction by either owner or a third party. Square footage is approximate and may be based on various measurement methodologies, subject to construction variances and tolerances, as well as redesign, and may vary from floor to floor. Obtain the property report or its equivalent by federal, state or local law and read it before signing anything. No federal, state or local agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. Where used, developer shall mean Tribune Tower West (Chicago) Owner LLC and its affiliated entities and their respective managers, members, directors, shareholders, partners, agents, affiliates and employees.